CLARIFICATION NO. 3, answers to questions received on 28 March 2024
Purchaser: Center for Education Projects PIU SA
Country: Armenia
CLARIFICATION NO. 3, answers to questions received on 28 March 2024
1. Can participants offer additional discounts for the combination of lots in which they will be declared
winners? This option is removed in the special conditions, compared to similar 2023 auctions, but the form
of tender proposal submission allows this option. Please clarify this issue.
The Bidder can offer discounts and the methodology for their application by the Letter of BID (Point G
Discounts, (i) (ii)).
2. In accordance with the terms of Lot 5, regarding items 21-29, it is required to provide the design layout of
these posters as part of the tender proposal. Namely:
Item 21. Wallpaper: SI system units. Design layouts in Armenian language of the posters should be
submitted as part of the proposal.
Item 22. Wallpaper: Dependence of the resistance of the conductor on temperature. Design layouts in
Armenian language of the posters should be submitted as part of the proposal.
Item 23. Wallpaper: Electromagnetic induction. Design layouts in Armenian language of the posters should
be submitted as part of the proposal.
Item 24. Wallpaper: Resistance: Ohm's law. Design layouts in Armenian language of the posters should be
submitted as part of the proposal.
Item 25. Wallpaper: Induced electromotive force (EMF) of the moving conductor. Design layouts in
Armenian language of the posters should be submitted as part of the proposal.
Item 26. Wallpaper: Electric current: Amount of current. Design layouts in Armenian language of the posters
should be submitted as part of the proposal.
Item 27. Wallpaper: Inductance and self-induction. Design layouts in Armenian language of the posters
should be submitted as part of the proposal.
Item 28. Wallpaper: Electromagnetic field. Design layouts in Armenian language of the posters should be
submitted as part of the proposal.
Item 29. Wallpaper: Ohm's law for the closed circuit: EMF. Design layouts in Armenian language of the
posters should be submitted as part of the proposal.
Do we understand correctly that failure to include the specified design layouts for these posters in the
tender proposal will result in such a participant's proposal being considered as substantially non-compliant
with the requirements, and will be rejected for not meeting the technical requirements of the tender
At the stage of technical evaluation of the bids submitted within the framework of the tender, the
Evaluation Committee members will take into account the compliance of the technical specifications
submitted by the bidder with the requirements specified in the tender package. The Bidder also will
confirm that all the technical requirements for all types of goods/items including posters will be met.
The structural content and design layouts of the posters (font size, font) in the Armenian language
will be agreed only with the applicant who is recognized as the winner by the results of the
3. In the requirements for Lot 1, items 12 and 13, digital laboratories with a set of sensors from the Vernier
brand are required, with corresponding original LabQuest 3; Go Wireless®; Go Direct® technologies. Do we
understand correctly that we can propose products from another manufacturer that would be equivalent to
Vernier's products, while the functional purpose of the proposed laboratories (sensors) will also be similar in
terms of technical and functional characteristics.
All sensors are required with Go Wireless® or Go Direct® technology. This technology refers to sensors that
are wireless, have autonomous power supply (battery, accumulator) and can be used for data collection and
their transmission to a PC (laptop, tablet) directly without the use of and connection to a data logger. These
are expensive sensors that have a significant difference in price and characteristics from wired sensors,
where the price difference may be key to winning the entire lot.
Do we understand correctly that the proposed sensors with Go Wireless® or Go Direct® technology, or
similar (equivalent) sensors, must have autonomous power supply (battery, accumulator) and can be used
for data collection and their transmission to a PC (laptop, tablet) directly without the use of and connection
to a data logger?
Do we understand correctly that if the proposed sensors will have wired connections, and/or power during
use, or any other feature that does not allow the use of the mentioned sensors as autonomous devices
without wired power and data transmission; such sensors will be considered as substantially non-compliant
with the requirements of the technical task of the tender documentation, and the proposal of such a
participant will be rejected.
Yes, the propose and functionality and technical characteristics of Biology and Chemistry data collection
and graphing sets manufactured by other companies that Vernier should be equivalent to Vernier's
products. Go direct® sensors provide both Bluetooth and USB connections. Go Wireless® heart rate sensor
enables continuous monitoring of heart rate before, during, and after exercise. Thus, both sensors provide
portability for easy and convenient use. Any product matching this requirement would be acceptable.