20 Newly Established Preschools in Shirak, Lori, Kotayk and Tavush Regions, RA
On September 1s, 2024 in the frames of the "Education Improvement Project Additional Financing" loan project and in the context of the sub-component "Promoting School Readiness and Equal Opportunities at the Start of General Education", new preschools were opened in Shirak, Lori, Kotayk and Tavush Regions.The preschools established on the basis of secondary schools have opened doors for the preschool aged children for the first time. The preschools were established under the auspices of the World Bank within the frames of the “"Education Improvement Project Additional Financing" loan project implemented by the “ Center for Education Projects ” PIU.
The community leaders, toured the newly- established preschools, got acquainted with the works done, talked to teachers and parents. Beautiful and colorful rooms, toy-filled corners – under these conditions the pupils of the newly established preschools will spend their everyday life. Teachers and community residents highlighted the importance of preschools՝ establishmentas an important prerequisite for ensuring children's smooth transition to primary schoolIt should be reminded that all the envisioned renovation works have been carried out․ Thus, as a result of the project, the preschools were furnished with the necessary furniture, all the necessary equipment, learning materialswaere provided for the effective organization of the pre-school education. Training of the teachers was also organized in the frames of the project. It should be added that all the requirements for the organization of inclusive education have been met by the “Center for Education Projects” PIU while implementing the projects for the preschool establishment, that is to say that the newly established preschools have adjusted environment.
Let us add that from September 1 to 10, seven new preschools werefully operational in Shirak region, 2 preschools were operational in Lori region, and 2 preschools were fully operational in Kotayk and Tavush regions.