
Monitoring visit to Yerevan State University


On January 19 a working meeting was held in Yerevan State University (YSU). The representatives of the Ministry of Education Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, the Higher Education and Science Committeeand the Centre for Education Projects PIU were present at the meeting. The aim of the meeting was the monitoring of the ongoing grant project of Competitive Innovation Fund (CIF) for higher education institutions of Armenia. Mushegh Rafaelyan, the Head of the grant project “Creation of an Educational and Scientific Center for the Development and Research of Optical Microsystems"presented the ongoing activities related to the establishment of "Scientific and Educational Center for the Development and Research of Optical Microsystems" to The participants of the visist. He mentioned that within the framework of “Education Improvement Project Additional Financing” loan project a Scientific and Educational Center for the Development and Research of Optical Microsystems will be established in the Institute of Physics.The attendees, accompanied by the head and coordinator of the grant project toured the area, provided by the university for the establishment of the center, where a part of the state-of-the-art laboratory equipment purchased in the frames of the projectwas installed.
The Scientific and Educational center will be equipped with the material and technical base necessary for the micro processing of modern optical and optoelectronic devices, using them for the preparation of high-tech micro systems in bio-optics, information processing, and telecommunications. It will contribute to increasing the efficiency of education and research, as well.Using the latest equipment, optical micro systems in accordance with the international standards will be developed ,on the bais of which further research will be carried out.With its activities, the center will promote interdisciplinary cooperation and train professional specialists in high technologies.In the future, it is planned to create a new "Optics and Photonics" Master's program, which, will allow both Armenian and foreign students to get involved in the educational process.
The head of the grant project MusheghRafayelyan noted that the new environment would increase research in the educational component. “The scientific and educational center for the development and research of optical micro systems will assist students performing laboratory work in certain professional disciplines while working on their graduation and Master's theses, as well as contribute to the development of university education and research activities," said M. Rafayelyan.
During the visit, the participants discussed theactivities s planned in the project schedule and the process of their implementation.As a result of the monitoring it was confirmed that the selection of the area for the center is complete and the renovation has started.The head of the grant project noted that the development of the new "Optics and Photonics" master's program is in progress, in particular, the relevant departments have submitted the necessary subject lists. The coordinator of the grant project also introduced the process of cooperation with the consortium partner, stressing the collaborationwith the Institute of Chemical Physics afterA. B. Nalbandyan in the frames of the project.
M Rafayelyan noted that the specialists of the Scientific and Educational Center for the Development and Research of Optical Microsystems will cooperate with colleagues from foreign universities, establishing new scientific and educational ties in education, science, and industry. Thanks to international cooperation, specialists intend not only to expand the scope of research but also to develop new ideas.
The members of the monitoring working group have stressed, that awareness activities related to the objectives and results of the grant projects should be continuous, accessible as possible. The goals and expected results of the grant projects should be presented in more detail, and these measures should be aimed at attracting more female students into STEM fields of study and jobs and have more female teaching staff involved in research and scientific work.
It should be noted that the center plans to provide paid services in the future, financially ensuring the continuity of further activities.



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