Working meeting at the Center for Education Projects
Within the frames of the the sub-component "Equipping General Education Schools " of the EIP AF loan project, in July 01 the needs assessment activities in the educatiaonal institutions of Armavir Region of RA has started In this context in September 09, a meeting was held in the office of CEP PIU with the participation of CEP PIU representatives and Naira Sargsyan, the head of the education department of Armavir Regional Administrtaion of the RA. During the meeting, Mher Melik-Bakhshyan, the Head of the "Equipping General Education Schools" sub-component focused on the planned projects which would be implemented in the region with the co-financing of the World Bank within the frameworks of the EIP AF loan project, specifically referring to the provision of science and engineering laboratory equipment, furniture and materials to general education schools of the region. N. Sargsyan ensured that she would support the projects as much as possible and was ready to make every possible effort for the successful implementation of the grant-projects. She also stressed, that the Regional Administration was ready for purposeful and cooperative work and assured that the results of joint work will be visible shortly Referring to possible problems during the establishment of laboratories and their solution, N. Sargsyan emphasized the importance of making the connection between the Regional Administration and the Center for Education Projects more clos and more efficient, which would result on more coordinated and effective implementation of the projects. The representatives of the CEP PIU discussed with N. Sargsyan the planned activities, the process of project implementation and clarified the list of educational institutions. Let's remind that from August 2 to 5, "Equipping General Education Schools " sub-component representatives had conducted visits to a number of educational institutions of city Armavir and of the communities of the Region, in particular educational institutions of Tandzut, Argavandi, Pshatavan, Janfida, Haykavan, Getasheni, Amasiya, Bambakashat, Jarasheni. Sardarapati, Metsamor, Norapati, Berkashati, Yervandashati, Arevik, Aygeshat, Mrgashat, Dalarik communities had been visited to conduct needs assessment and record the availability of basic infrastructure for further establishment of laboratories.