Current programs

"Education Improvement Additional Financing" project

Sub-component. 1.1 Promoting Readiness of Schoolchildren and Equal Opportunities at the Start of General Education

“RA Strategic Program on Preschool Education Reforms for the years 2008-2015” approved by RA Government in 2008 is aimed at the solution of problems of preschool sector. The Strategic Program places a special attention to the issue of effective preparation of primary education of preschool senior age children. It is envisaged by Strategic Program to make the preschool education universal for preschool senior age children, through gradual increase of enrolment and it will reach up to about 90% by 2016.
In 2015 within the framework of ''Education Improvement''credit project it continues to provide grants for establishment of pre-schools. The program is aimed at promoting the growth of enrollment in preschool education, preparing children for primary school. Preschool programs mainly include from 4 to 6 year old children. Grant funds are mainly implemented in investment costs of the project of the institution, which are intended to strengthen the capacities of institution and usually include the expenses of partial reconstruction, renovation, equipping of the area, of training materials, property, equipment acquisition and other expenses. In 2015-2019 maximum value of the grant is 22,000 USD. The total value of the project is formed from the money given by the grant (maximum 75%) and community and/or parental contributions (minimum 25%). In order to ensure the effectiveness of micro-projects of pre-school education implemented within the framework of the program, a governing body - the Commission was established according to the RA MoES Minister OrderN 142-A/Qof 10.03.2015, which approved the timetable for the establishment of pre-schools by marzes, as a result in 2015-2016. Projects will be implemented in Gegharkunik, Kotayk and Shirak marzes; in 2016-2017 in Tavush, Lori and Armavir marzes; in 2017-2018 Syunik, Ararat and Aragatsotn marzes, in 2018-2019 in Yerevan, VayotsDzormarz and other marzes, as needed.
Goals of the component are as follows:
▪ Open low-cost preschool educational institutions in marzes of the Republic of Armenia contributing to the preparation of children for primary school, ensuring equal start opportunities,
▪ Increase enrollment of children in pre-school education programs including children from vulnerable families.
The objectives of the component are as follows:
▪ Promote and support the introduction of new low-cost preschool services for children, which will be accessible for the most vulnerable society groups and will facilitate to increase the children enrollment in preschool institutions.
▪ Assist in elaboration and introduction of the child-centered preschool syllabi aimed at preparation of children for the school and their general development.
The main activities of this sub-component are as follows:
▪ In cooperation with MoES, Marz Education Departments (MEDs), communities and institutions study and determine the potential/target regions,
▪ Organize a competition within the framework of Credit Project and give grants to institutions.
▪ Sign contracts with the institutions selected by the competition and implement financing.
▪ Provide technical assistance to institutions during the implementation of micro-projects.
▪ Training for the directors, pedagogical staff of the institutions implementing preschool programs.
▪ Conduct monitoring and evaluation of preschool programs during the whole Project period.
The activities carried out within the component:
IN2015 33 preschool institutions were established in RA Kotayk (13), Shirak (12) and Gegharkunik (8) marzes, where the improvement activities of respective areas, activities of property recruitment were implemented, necessary methodological materials, toys, stationery were purchased. All institutions are functioning normally. Almost 1170 children are included in new preschool institutions.
79 tutors included in 33 preschool institutions of all 3marzes have been trained by the National Institute of Education.
Expected outputs:
Within the framework of the Project, it is expected to establish nearly 120 preschool institutions in RA communities by 2019; to include nearly 2400 5-6 year old children in preschool services and to make the preschool education universal for 5-6 year old children, ensuring increase of enrolment and reaching the enrollment of children of that group up to about 90%.

Sub-component 1.2 Assist in the development of the third stage of secondary school

High schools in Armenia are reorganized in 2008-2011. During this period, a number of structural and substantive improvements have been implemented aimed at increasing the quality of education.
Steps for supporting high schools have been taken within the framework of the first ''Education Quality and Relevance'' creditproject and continued during the second credit project. In 2015 ''Education Improvement'' new credit project launched, one of the components of which is ''Assist in the development of the third stage of secondary school'' sub-component.
The availability of modern infrastructures, appropriate technical means, electronic training materials, as well as the availability of qualified teaching staff is necessary for ensuring high quality education in the third stage of secondary education
The goals of the sub-component are as follows:
▪ ensuring the quality and relevance of education in high schools,
▪ strengthening the capacity of 17-20 high schools,
▪ improvement of the building and learning conditions,
▪ reconstruction of the selected high schools,
▪ improving logistics capabilities of all high schools,
▪ replenishment of necessary computer equipment.
The objectives of the sub-component are as follows:
▪ Strengthening the network of high schools established in RA, supporting renovation of schools.
▪ Improvement of teaching and learning conditions in high schools by supply of modern equipment and by providing appropriate information material during training.
Main activities carried out within the framework of the sub-component:
▪ Reconstruction of about 17 high schools, at least one in each marz,
▪ Provide high schools with modern information and communication technologies and electronic materials,
▪ Teacher training in the use of ICT resources,
▪ Monitoring and evaluation of activities of sub-components of high schools.
Reconstructed schools were selected based on criteria developed by RA Ministry of Education and Science and approved by the World Bank, where in addition to the assessment of building conditions, the date of school construction, the service sector and the number of students were taken into consideration.
High schools will be provided with laboratory equipment for natural sciences within the framework of the sub-component.
The acquisition of modern information and communication technology equipment, as well as the development of electronic learning materials will be financed within the framework of the sub-component, which will be applied in all 107 high schools in Armenia. Teachers will be provided with electronic learning materials and with other modern teaching materials, teacher training in use of ICT materials will be organized in parallel with it. It is expected to have 17 reconstructed high schools, network of 107 high schools equipped with the newest logistics base and educational resources and increase in learners' enrollment. 

Sub-component 1.3 Improving data collection and monitoring of progress in education system

With phases of Credit Project ''Education Quality and Relevance'' significant contribution has been made to implement and use information and communication technologies in the learning process. It has become necessary to provide a unified data collection, analysis and monitoring in education system, as well as the implementation of joint ICT policies and programs implemented in the field of education. ''National Center for Educational Technology'' (NCET) is currently responsible for ICT policy and programs in the field of education. But current capacities of NCET are not sufficient to carry out the above mentioned functions.
''Education Improvement'' Project will support empowerment of capacities of NCET within the framework of the sub-component.
The goals of the sub-component are as follows:
▪ Increase the efficiency of communication in the educational system through ICT.
▪ Assist in the monitoring and evaluation of students' knowledge acquisition.
The objectives of the sub-component are as follows:
▪ Support NCET empowerment as a center for education statistics for general education, vocational and higher education.
▪ Improve NCET capacities to increase the efficiency of management of educational network of Armenia.
Main activities carried out within the sub-component are as follows:
▪ Restoration of NCET office area, strengthening of capacities including technical upgrading and creation of working conditions of new staff.
▪ Development of ICT strategy in educational sector for NCET.
▪ Implementation of trainings for the representatives of schools, colleges, universities and training institutions which are aimed at implementation of ICT in education.
▪ Training of the representatives of educational institutions in use of ICT, including in the use of electronic materials.
It is expected to have a smooth-functioning school internet network (Educational Network of Armenia), joint information system for education management, technical service and maintenance structure on a sustainable basis for technical and software provision of schools at the end of Credit Project. 

Sub-component 1.4 Support to the improvement of quality of education through review of curriculum and standards

The success of the process of general education largely depends on the education content, the review of which and compliance with current developments has become a priority. The conceptual provisions of general education were defined in a comprehensive and complete form in ''State Educational Curriculum of General Education'' developed within the framework of ''Education Quality and Relevance'' Credit Project, approved by the RA Government Protocol Decision N20 of 27.05.2004. At the same time, ''State Standard of Secondary Education'' was developed and approved by RA Government Decision N 900 of June 17, 2004. These two documents defining the content of education have been developed within the ''Education Quality and Relevance'' Credit Program. Later when ''RA Law on General Education'' was adopted (2009), many sections and ideas of Educational Curriculum were included in the law, but many sections which were impossible to be defined in law format, remained in the Education Curriculum as conceptual provisions and should be revised. Assistance to the improvement of the education sector continues within the framework of ''Education Improvement'' Project of World Bank. The sub-component ''Improving the Quality of General Education through the Review of Educational Curriculum and Standards'' presented below is an important component of ''Improving General Education'' Project. It is aimed at review and modernization of the content of general education, due to which it will ultimately ensure high quality education.
Goals of the sub-component are as follows:
▪ Improve the quality of education through the review of educational curriculum and standards.
▪ Ensure the improvement of students’ knowledge and skills according to modern requirements.
The objectives of the sub-component are as follows:
▪ Assist in review of subject standards and programs in accordance with elementary, primary and secondary education programs of public school.
The activities carried out within this sub-component are as follows:
▪ conduct an assessment study of needs on the revision of the curriculum,
▪ form a working group for the review of educational curriculum standards and programs, which will develop a new conception,
▪ form working groups for the review of curriculum standards and programs of general basic education program,
▪ conduct short-time informational trainings of teachers,
▪ organize training courses for textbook publishers and for probable composition of the authors presented by them.
The activities carried out within this sub-component
In 2015 preparatory work was done to implement the intended study for the assessment of review needs of state general education criteria, curriculum standards and programs. The study was conducted by ''EV Consulting'' CJSC together with ''AYB'' Educational Foundation. The study was completed in March, 2016. At the end of the Program (2019) it is expected to have a new, unified state standard of general education and revised and amended curriculum standards and programs in accordance with it, as well as teachers aware of curriculum standards and changes in programs.
New 0 0 0 0
General Education Quality Improvement
Support to Development of Competitive Fund of Inovations

Laboratories in RA pedagogical universities
Four new research laboratories were presented at Armenian State Pedagogical University on April 25. The opening ceremony of the laboratories for Botany and Plant Physiology, Geographical Information Sciences, General and Inorganic Chemistry and Teaching Methods in Physic was attended by RA Minister of Education and Science Levon Mkrtchyan, ASPU Rector Ruben Mirzakhanyan, representatives of ''Centre for Education Projects'' PIU. The research laboratories were...
Higher Education Financing Issues Seminar
“Center for Education Projects” PIU jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science organize a seminar on Higher Education Financing Issues from February 4-6, 2011.
International Summer School
According to the decision taken by the Ministers at their meeting in Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve in April 2009, starting from January 2010 the Bologna Process is co-chaired by the country holding the EU presidency and a non-EU country. 


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