Procurement of Computer Equipment for the Schools of Armavir Region
Project Name: Additional Financing For “Education Improvement Project”
Loan #9389-AM
Country: Armenia
Implementing Agency: “Center for Education Projects” PIU SA of MoESCS,
Address: 73 S. Vratsyan Street, Yerevan, 0070, Republic of Armenia
Method of the procurement: RFB International Approach (International Competitive Bidding)
Reference number of the Bidding: AF EIP ICB-
Names of the bidders who submitted the Bid and proposed prices:
N Bidder Read out price /AMD/ Evaluated price/AMD/
1 Compass LLC 412 173 528 412 173 528
2 Bi line Ltd 466,095,768 466,095,768
Awarded Firm: Compass LLC
Country: Armenia
Contract No: AF EIP ICB-
Contract Price: 412 173 528 AMD
Contract Duration: 120 days
Scope of the Contract: Procurement of Computer Equipment for the Schools of Armavir Region
Rejected Bids:
The bid of the Excelor Holding Group has been rejected according to clause ITB 23.1 of the Bidding Document.